Zapper is an amazing device with life saving potential, yet I find it amazing that through out my years of schooling and even graduate studies in Biomedical engineering, that there were subjects of value that were not even mentioned. It would seem that if there was some technology or method that had the potential of saving many lives, it would be at least mentioned or discussed. Yet, not once was this topic ever mentioned. It was almost as if they were intentionally trying to hide this information to keep people from finding out. When I first read about this topic in a Ham Radio magazine, I was completely skeptical. If nothing else, if such technology could save lives and reduce the toll of disease and illness, then why had I not heard about it. What was going on here? Even worse, when I found that this technology was first successfully tested was in the 1750's it brought even more questions and a realization that the topic was truly being suppressed. The book offered below has a section on the History of this technology that shows the extensive effort that has gone into suppressing this information. You can also find in the menu above a sitemap that lists closse to 90 pages of discussion on this and related information.
Even more amazing is the amount of false information that has been placed on the internet as well as the Orwellian efforts to hide the
zapper from the public as well as to defame it. There are sites out there, some like the Quack watchers and others that call themselve skeptics. They have an agenda and many are actually paid to defame Hulda Clark and the zapper as well.
One of the false claims that they present is that Dr. Clark claimed that the zapper was a
cure for cancer. Nothing could be further from the truth. The zapper is only a tool that
Dr. Clark stated was used to
kill infectious microbes such as bacteria, protozoa, and fungi. That is what the zapper does.
If it is used to kill germs, then why is it in a book for fighting cancer? The answer is simple, people who are fighting cancer and other illness as well such as
autoimmune disorders, usually have
failing immune systems and for that reason are susceptible to infection which can even result in death.
Immune system failure is a serious problem and there are many advertizements for drugs to help fight infections when fighting cancer, especially after taking chemo-therapy or going through radiation. Many of these drugs present serious side effects, even additional cancer and death. There has only been one published study on the zapper and there were not any significant reported issues and NO major side effects from use.
This site sold zappers from 2001 to 2006 and during that period became a leader in the market, selling as many a 400 zappers a month. In Feb. 2006, the company was raided by the FDA and although no charges we ever brought, a warning letter was sent in Aug. 2006. The letter is still available on the internet. A new company was formed as a corporation and zapper sales were moved to a different site and there are no claims made on that site for treating or curing any disease, illness, or condition of the Human body.
Zapper Comparison:
5 to 20
1 or 2
1 or 2
10 to 20
1 only
1 only
5 to 20
1 only
1 only
< 1
over 25 ( 35 )
- CPU is a microprocessor/computer chip
- The lower the error, the more exact the frequency will be and closer that each unit is to all others.
- The greater the number of frequencies, the better the chance of having the right one when needed,
- More modes means a wider range of capabilities.
- ParaZapper is obviously superior.
2006 Customer
Percentage of users
reporting positive results
( greater than 30% improvement )
IBS / Colitis
Lyme Disease
Overall Positive Results
85.3 percent
95.2 percent
96.5 percent
65.2 percent
56.6 percent
93.7 percent
67.6 percent
90 percent
60 percent
90 percent
Users with footpads report up
to twice the success of those
who do not use them.
Footpad users reported higher
percentage of improvement
than those not using them.
This new updated book contains 124 pages of printed information (including index and TOC ),
much that is not available anywhere else, not even in Dr. Clark's books.
This booklet is not included with any zapper shipment for legal reasons.
It has been re-written and an e-book is available at a price of $8.99
$14.99 paperback.
Go to
Amazon has an app for laptops, desktops, notebooks, pads, and phones.
Or search any other book seller by typing in 'Parasite Zapping and the Zapper by David Etheredge'. They will let you know if it is available.
Also, if you are concerned about Cancer or Auto-immune disorders then this may be a good read for you. Very informative.

Excerpt from a customer's feedback of "Parasite Zapping and the Zapper" from Amazon:
I bought this book on Amazon,Canada, where I also left this review; Hey, from Toronto, Canada :-) This book is so informative! Thks! All about the zapper technology and the history & inventors; doctors,scientists, etc... and how sadly much of this amazing beneficial technology has been suppressed through the ages. I learned several new things! :-) I recently bought a MY-3 Parazapper and have been using it for awhile, with some amazing results, I just ordered another MY-3 for family, it is definitely the Ferrari of all the zappers. I got into this amazing alternative health stuff a few years back; at 43 years old after watching one of my best buddies die of cancer in a supposed good cancer hospital here in (Toronto, Ontario,Canada) ...
Anyone who has tried a proper zapper, (there are unfortunately some scammers) but anyone who actually tries a good one, like the Parazapper, after a week will definitely know that it is working, I first started with the Beck technology, magnetic pulser, ozonated water, blood cleanser, colloidal silver and was amazed how much my health improved ...
and now zapping with the Parazapper just amazing ... using a Parazapper works amazing period
For basic zapping instructions, see:
How to Zap
More pages about zapping
A 115 page (including index and TOC ) Guide to zapping provides information on how to zap for best results.
This manual, originally written for ParaZapper products provides theory of operation, good information on how to zap, accessories to use, things not to do, how to get the best results, and notes on other alternative methods. It also includes some zapper schematics, information on fifteen different models of zappers, and where to get info on how to build your own. The methods and information discussed in this book are valid for almost any zapper that you might use and the book contains many discussions that are not considered in Dr. Clark's books or anywhere else. (115 pages including index, TOC, illustrations). Dr. Clark's books contain only 4 or 5 pages of information on the zapper and zapping and do not cover many of the topics and advances listed in this book.
Included in the latest version are brief introductions to 28 alternative therapies that can be used along with zapping. Also included are discussions of over a dozen various metals that may influence the outcome of zapping or be influenced by zapping. There is also a discussion of die-off and Herxheimer reactions as well as various problems that may occur when zapping. There are also basic discussions of over 30 health related issues and problems including the use of the zapper in association with these problems.
Also included is a brief history of the use of electricity for treating disease and illness, going back to the 1700's.
Some selected topics from the manual
Some selected topics from the manual
Introduction 1
Zapper Kills Microbes 4
Actual protozoa breaking apart while being zapper. 4
How does the zapper work? 5
Zapper Theory 7
What frequency should I use? 8
The FDA and the Zapper 9
Survey Results 10
Problem 10
Overall Positive Results 10
Safety and Injury? 11
Reported Problems 13
Questions and Answers 14
Does it work? 14
Ok, so it works, how is it used? 14
Why 7 minutes on? 15
Why 20 minutes off? 15
Alternating Leads 15
Importance of polarity 15
Inverted polarity and the Beck Zapper 16
Rife machines 16
Foot Bath Detoxification 16
Is the zapper safe to use? 17
Are there any side effects? 17
Does it matter which paddle goes in which hand? 18
Do I have to hold the paddles in my hands? 18
Can I get electrocuted? 19
I did not get good results, what can I do? 19
Recommended: 20
Cleaning my ParaZapper™ 20
See electrode oxidation. 20
Health and Illnesses 22
Abscesses 22
Acne 22
Allergies 22
Alzheimer’s 23
Arthritis and arthritic symptoms 23
Asthma 23
Athletes foot and fungus 23
Candida 24
Cancer 25
Chronic fatigue syndrome and malaise 25
Colitis 26
Colds and Flu 26
Diarrhea 27
Dental problems 27
Fibromyalgia 27
Fiery Dragon 28
Flatulence, bloating, and gas 28
Food allergy 28
Hepatitis B and C 28
Herpes 29
See Overdrive 29
IBS and colitis 29
Intestinal worms 30
Lyme Disease 30
Malaise 31
Malaria 31
Morgellons 31
MS or multiple sclerosis 31
Parkinson’s Disease 31
Salmonella 32
Shingles 32
Sinus problems 32
Skin problems, itching, and rashes 33
Tropical diseases 33
West Nile Virus 33
SARS, Bird Flu, Marburg, Ebola, Polio, Measles 33
Other uses 34
Water treatment 34
Food Purification 35
Aquarium Parasites 35
How to Zap single and dual frequency 37
Using Saline Solution for Zapping 37
User suggestions: Start with caution 37
Accelerate 37
Shift to high gear 37
Overdrive 37
Continuous Zapping 38
Tub Zapping 38
How to Zap multiple frequency 39
Overdrive 39
Using the ParaZapper™ parasite zapper 40
How frequently should I Zap? 40
Can I eat or drink while zapping? 40
Important 41
Testing your zapper 42
Quick zapper Test 42
Checking for output current 42
Checking for output voltage 42
Usual Steps to Zapping 43
How can I get the most out of my ParaZapper™ 45
Zapping Program for dual frequency 46
Buttons on ParaZapper™ 47
Using copper footpads 47
Stackable Plugs 48
Swapping leads 49
Money Back Guarantee 50
Warranty 50
Returns 50
Broken wires 52
Repairs 52
Special Accessories 53
Zapping Pets 53
Tropical fish 53
HORSES and Other Large animals 53
Special Brass Wrist Bands 53
Using wrist straps 54
Accessory Footpads 55
4 point contact – 3 points positive 55
TENS Pads 55
Batteries and Power 56
Batteries 56
Status Indicator 56
ParaZapper PLUS and ParaZapper CCa only 56
Foods, Nutrition, and Environment 58
Importance of Water 58
Vitamins 59
Exercise 59
Sleep 59
Sunshine 60
Fresh air 60
Blue Sky 60
Stress 60
Clean Environment 60
Intestinal Flora 61
Probiotic tablets 61
Kefir 61
Smoothie 61
Yogurt 61
Acidophillus 62
Zapping and Metals 63
Electricity and the transport of metals 63
Aluminum 63
Brass 63
Chromium 63
Copper 63
Gold 64
Iron 64
Lead 64
Mercury 64
Nickel 64
Palladium 65
Platinum 65
Zapping and Metals 65
Silver 65
Stainless Steel 65
Titanium 65
Hip and knee replacement 65
Frequency Notes 66
Complimentary Therapies 67
Beck Protocol 67
Blood Electrification (BBBE) 67
Cleanses and flushes 67
Chelation 67
Colloidal Gold 67
Colloidal Silver 68
Colonics 68
Detoxification 68
Epsom Salts 68
Essiac Herbal Tea 69
Fasting 69
Frequency Generator 69
Hydrogen peroxide 69
Iodine 69
Ionic Silver 69
Juicing 69
Kidney Cleanse 70
Kombucha tea 70
Live Food 70
Liver Cleanse 70
Magnetic Pulser 70
Noni Juice 70
Ozonated water 71
Ozonated oils 71
Parasite cleanse 71
pH Balance 71
Plate Zapping 71
Raw Foods 72
Rife Therapy 72
Synchrometer 72
Terminator 72
Urine Therapy 72
Water Cure 72
Wheatgrass Juice 73
Reactions 73
About Die-off 73
Herxheimer reaction 73
Rashes, itching, stinging, tingling sensations 73
Electrodes 74
Oxidation of electrodes 74
History of Electric Healing 75
Baghdad Battery 75
Nicolas Tesla 79
Georges Lakhovsky 81
Rife 84
Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D. 85
Hulda Clark 85
Bob Beck 86
Scenar 86
How the SCENAR works 86
Results form the SCENAR 86
What has been missed in history? 87
Pz00020,21,22 Standard ParaZapper 88
Pz00030,31,32 ParaZapper PLUS 89
Pz00040,41,42 ParaZapper Cca 90
Pz00050,51,52 ParaZapper MX 91
Control knob on ParaZapper™MX models 91
Using the ParaZapper™AV 94
Starting with ParaZapper™AV 94
Pz00076 ParaZapper AV 96
Pz00076 ParaZapper AV 98
Control knob on ParaZapper™AV models 98
Other Zappers 99
The $10 Zapper from 99
The $10 Zapper from 99 99
Super Zapper Deluxe 100
Build your own zapper 100
The Ultimate Zapper 100
Terminator zapper 101
Orgone Zapper 101
Mini FG frequency generator 101
Gamma Full Frequency Generator 101
AutoZap zapper 101
Comparing Zappers 102
What should your zapper have as a minimum? 102
New $10 zapper from 103
Zapper schematics 103
Schematic for zapper 103
Dr.Hulda Clark Zapper Schematic 104
Schematic for standard ParaZapper 104
Zapper Comparison 105
10 different zappers 105
The Zapper is one of many alternative health products for alternative health applications. It is designed to electronically kill parasites such as bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and possibly virus.
The information, suggestions and ideas presented in the book are for information only and should not be interpreted as medical advice, meant for diagnosing illness, or for prescriptive purposes. Readers are encouraged to consult their health care provider before beginning any treatment program. The information in this document is not to be used to replace the services or instructions of a physician or qualified health care practitioner.
Any testimonials or survey results presented on any of these pages are not presented as scientific proof of any cure but only as representation of relief that may possibly be obtained from the use of ParaZapper ™ products. FDA accepted tests have not been preformed because we have not found any qualified medical doctor who has indicated that they were willing to perform the required tests.
We are:
Hulda Clark Zapper Co.
ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
All rights reserved.