While we do not sell ParaZapper as a cancer treatment or therapy for legal reasons, a 2009 scientific article published on PubMed shows that zapper frequencies do fight cancer in some cases.
Their conclusion: "Cancer-related frequencies appear to be tumor-specific and treatment with tumor-specific frequencies is feasible, well tolerated and may have biological efficacy in patients with advanced cancer."
Note: For legal reasons, we can not claim to have their exact specific frequencies or to use their exact methods, but there have been many thousands of testimonials published. Most of these testimonials have been forced off of the internet by the FDA and the FTC, denying public access to important information.Please note that while we do not sell zappers for use on humans since Feb. 8, 2006, and while the overall number of responses were small, according to our users suvey, 60 percent of users who have cancer report noticable positive benefits from using ParaZapper. This information is not offered as proof, but only as an indication that the zapper can help in some cases. It is my personal experience that the zapper has worked exceptionally well in killing my own skin cancer which had spread as a result of the biopsy. I have been cancer free for seven years now and used nothing but direct application of the zapper. I still get urgent letters from my doctor telling me that I need the remaining cancer removed and treated. No claims to curing cancer, but everyone has to weigh the value of a particulat effort vs the possible benefits.
The following is offered as theoretical and intellectual discussion of how and why an electrical water treatment device might be useful in the treatment of cancer.
There is a wide disparity of opinions regarding the use of zappers as a therapy that may benefit people dealing with cancer. There are numerous webpages claiming "fraud and quackery" from those who have not tried a zapper, and there are thousands of testimonials on various sites and we do have many parazapper testimonials that claim cures or healing from our older products that are not sold any longer. We currently only publish Customer comments with claims of cures, healing, or treatment removed. The question that anyone should consider before deciding on whether or not to use any potentially beneficial health product is, who should you trust? Testimonials are not proof, but the opponents do not have testimonials at all or at the least, very few.
The truth is that other than the producers and sellers of zappers, the most vocal proponents are the users.
User produced video about ParaZapper ™ on Cancer Tumors
More about cancer at Cancer Alternatives Book
Enough said.
So the question that remains is, technically, how could a zapper be beneficial when facing cancer? One main proposed theory is electroporation, which the FDA now recognizes as effective for killing bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and viri in water, juices, milk, and foods. The voltages normally used for these processes are high and would cause damage to the human body but it is recognized that lower voltages, applied for longer duration can produce effects.
Since it is also acknowledged in the FDA documentation as well as in studies that a lower voltage may be used if applied for longer periods of time, the principle operating feature of the zapper is that it applies small, safe micro amp electrical pulses over a period of time, in theory, deactivating parasitic and pathogenic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, and virus forms. All of these organisms have been implicated in the development of cancer at one point or another. Sadly, at this time, due to FDA constraints, we only sell these devices for killing microbes in water ( not intended for drinking ). You may find additional information at cancer zapper
I believe, from the studies that I have done, that the zapper does much more than this. It has been shown to literally break apart certain microbes in water, causing them to literally explade. What if it does this to foreign microbes living in the body ( mostly water ), including bacteria, protozoa, and virus? What if it can actually do this to cancer cells because they take on some of the properties of these foreign microbes? While I believe that this is what is happening, further scientific testing is needed to answer these questions.
My personal experience is that the zapper directly and specifically destroyed the cancer cells and did not appear to harm any of the normal cells around the cancer. This is just my experience, not proof.
You can build your own zapper or you can actually do the same thing by tapping the terminals of a 9 volt battery for 7 minutes, rest for 20, tap again for 7 minutes, rest again for 20 minutes, and then tap a third time for 7 minutes. Yes, it is a lot of work, but it works for many who try. Note that tapping the battery is not as effective as a real zapper (especially some of the newer more advanced zappers) due to a number of factors, but it still works. There are many zapper schematics available on the internet a well as in out booklet.
I would also like to present that the use of electricity to treat cancer and other health problems is not new. Read this page on the "Medical Electric Battery" which was commonly available over 100 years ago.
Parasite Zapping and the Zapper
You might also want to read the comments that many people have posted in our
petition to the U.S. congress.
Cancer Alternative Therapy
There are also many other alternative actions that can help your recovery.Do nothing that will harm or damage your immune system. Despite what anyone else may say, it is only the immune system that can eliminate cancer from your body. If the immune system is compromised, then chances of remission, survival, or cure are seriously reduced. There are natural immune boosters available for those who are deficient. Be aware that many chemo-therapy drugs are very damaging to the immune system. A properly functioning intestine and colon is strongly related to immunity and to cancer recovery.
Correct your pH. Cancer and many other illnesses thrive in an acidic pH condition and appear to regress when the body is restored to an alkaline pH. Check your urine every morning and strive to get it to a level of 7.0 or higher. The urine pH is a reflection of how successfully your body is maintaining the blood pH. If you are having to remove a lot of acidity, your urine pH will be more acid.
Avoid sugars, including sugar substitutes and artificial sweeteners, if possible. Cancer thrives on sugars and sugar metabolism makes the body more acidic. Real maple syrup (not flavored) is best, Blackstrap Molasses is alright in limited amounts, Stevia is sugar free and does not have any known problems.
Oxygenate the body. Cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment and uses other methods to generate the energy that it needs to grow, mostly by producing lactic acid that the liver converts back to sugars which the cancer reuses. There is actually a test that shows whether or not you have a high probability of cancer based on how long you hold your breath.
Starve the cancer. Eliminate sugars, starches, certain amino acids and vitamins from the diet that cancer requires for growth and survival. I have found that fasting for one to two days will significantly shrink some cancers, but only do this if you are healthy enough. Drink lots of water. Also, I was taught as a child to take Epsom salts to flush out the body.
Sleep is critical to the body's healing processes and is also important to maintaining immunity. Cancer sufferers are often deficient in melatonin which is the bodys sleep inducing hormone. If you are dealing with cancer, make certain that you get plenty of sleep by taking melatonin before bedtime, especially if you are over 40. Melatonin is very safe and it is not unusual to take 20 mg or more a night in serious cases, but start with caution and take 3 mg a night to begin with. Tryptophan is also very important to the brain. If you have other sleeping problems see Snoring and Sleep Apnea.
It has been noted that many cancer sufferers have lower than normal amounts of certain substances circulating in the body. One of these is pancreatin which the body normally produces and re-absorbs through the intestines. Pancreatin, if present in sufficient levels, can break down proteins on the surface of cancer cells that prevent the immune system from killing the cancer. If you have lower than normal pancreatin, it might be helpful to not only take it with meals, but between meals with a tums to neutralize the stomach acid.
Some of the herbals, vitamins, minerals, and other anti-cancer compounds that we feel should be investigated are: Essiac Tea, Vitamin C, Vitamin B-12, PawPaw extract, Cayenne pepper, Shark Liver Oil, Hydrazine sulfate (for cachaxia, use with caution), Beta Glucan, Apricont Kernels, MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), Cancell, Procell, astaxanthin, Oleander soup, Ellagic acid, Alpha Lipoic acid, MGN-3, Maple syrup and baking soda, Vitalzum, Lysine, Proline, pickling lime, Cesium chloride with potassium, Calcium / Magnesium mineral water, Pancreatic and digestive enzymes, bromelain, selenium, Co-Q10, Proflavinol (Grape Seed Extract). It is important to note that many of the above can not be used together or with conventional therapy. Study carefully before making any decisions.
Get additional information from and support the American Institute for Cancer Research and avoid the American Cancer Society.
More about cancer at Cancer Alternatives Book
Be sure to visit Cancer Tutor
Another good place is The Best Years in Life. One of Tony's most recent articles is A Good Cancer Fighting Foundation.