Flu Zapper for colds or flu ( influenza )

is worth investigating due to the many who have felt positive results from it. A very high percentage of zapper users report very good success with stoping influenza symptoms and eliminating cold symptoms from using the Zapper. While this is only anecdotal, it certainly does point out a need for testing and investigating the flu zapper as an anti-viral device.




CC2 zapper

Flu like symptoms


ParaZapper zapping microbes.
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Recent medical evidence shows that many people have significant numbers of intestinal parasites living inside of themselves and that these parasites may be the cause of your cold and flu ( influenza ) problems. Frequent symptoms of these parasite infections are low resistance to illnesses such as colds and flu, asthma, allergies, colitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and malaise.

People around the world are infested with parasites including many from countries previously thought to be reasonably free of intestinal parasites including the United States. Recent medical studies indicate that American men live shorter lives of up to 4 years because of parasites. Other medical studies find that the average male carries up to 2 lbs of parasites inside of his body.

ParaZapper Customer comments

Please visit our new site at flu zapper

Recently, one of our ParaZapper ™ models was tested, unofficially, at a major US university. Their results were reported as follows:

The project leader wrote the following:

"25+ men with HIV use the zapper when feeling the signs of a cold or flu with almost immediate (within 24 hours) response. Symptoms seem to stop and cold/flu never advances."

Among customers responding to our survey, of those who used ParaZapper to fight a cold,
92 % reported some success,
87% reported good results,
and 44% reported very good results to stop colds.

Among customers responding to our survey, of those who used ParaZapper to fight the flu,
88 % reported some success,
84% reported good results,
and 52% reported very good results to stop flu.

Based on these survey results, ParaZapper may be the most effective way to fight colds or to fight flu to date, even after you are infected and develope some symptoms.

The earlier that you detect symptoms and respond by zapping, the more effective the results are.
Once the cold or flu has fully developed, ParaZapper is less effective.

If you suffer from frequent colds, flu, and flu like symptoms
then you may have parasites which increase your succeptability. Also, since the flu shot or flu vaccine is not only in short supply but is considered by many authorities to be unsafe, then you need to consider alternative flu treatment. It has also been noted that the current flu vaccine does not provide immunity for some of this years influenza strains.

If you have any of these symptoms, or any other reason to believe that you may have a parasite infection, or for your own general health and well-being, Then you might want to consider trying ParaZapper a safe, simple, easy way to eliminate parasites.

ParaZapper™ : Kill the parasites that make you ill!

ParaZapper users often report that using the ParaZapper as soon as cold or flu symptoms appear often stops or reduces the extent of the cold or flu. They also claim that with use of ParaZapper they feel better and have more energy.

NOTE: While it is your right to buy and use these products as you wish, Due to FDA actions, ParaZapper products are not sold for use on humans or animals at this time.

Please visit our new site at flu zapper where we have new improved models available.

They are however available for killing microbes in water

How does ParaZapper work?

The following have been suggested and are under investigation.

ParaZapper is not a one time treatment. It can provide you with valuable protection for the rest of your life.

ParaZapper is one of many alternative health products for alternative medicine applications. It is designed to electronically kill microbes such as bacteria, protozoa, fungi, and others.

While ParaZapper can stop a cold or stop the flu when used before it gets into full effect, the effectiveness of ParaZapper is reduced as the cold or flu progresses. Use it before symptoms appear to eliminate parasites and use it again as soon as the first symptoms of a cold or the flu appear.

I read the book "The Cure for all Diseases" and it changed my life. I work in the computer industry and have to touch everyone's computer everyday. I had a very bad case of the flu/cold in Nov. 2001. It lasted at least 2 months. I was usually prone to getting at least 2 bad colds per year. (1 fall and 1 spring) I bought my first para-zapper in March 2002 and started using it. I also adjusted my life style a lot. I don't drink after people and try not to be around people who are sick. The last part is very hard since my 2 nephews (age 6 & 4) always have a cold. So far, I am glad to say that I have not had a cold since November 2001. I know I don't need to knock on wood because I now own 2 ParaZappers. My wife had also gone 1 ½ years without a cold. She recently caught a cold from my nephews (of course) but was able to get over it with in 2-3 weeks. While this sounds like a long time it is really a short time for her. Before the ParaZapper she would have colds that lasted a minimum of 2 months. (some went on for 3-4 months). If you are not using a ParaZapper you must be the type of person who enjoys being sick.

The information, suggestions and ideas presented in this document are for information only and should not be interpreted as medical advice, meant for diagnosing illness, or for prescriptive purposes. Readers are encouraged to consult their health care provider before beginning any treatment program. The information in this document is not to be used to replace the services or instructions of a physician or qualified health care practitioner.

Any testimonials or survey results presented on this page are not presented as scientific proof of any cure but only as representation of relief that may possibly be obtained from the use of ParaZapper products. FDA accepted tests have not been preformed because we have not found any qualified medical doctor who has indicated that they were willing to perform the required tests.

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ParaZapper is a trademark of
Para Systems, Inc.
5537 Balboa Ct.
Pinson, AL 35126 USA
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Notice: On advice of counsel, we are required to inform you that the statements and claims on this web site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease -- not for use on humans or with pets. These battery powered devices are not offered or intended for human use or to diagnose or prescribe for medical or psychological conditions nor to claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or cure such conditions, nor to recommend specific products as treatment of disease or to provide diagnosis, care, treatment or rehabilitation of individuals, or apply medical, mental health or human development principles. The devices discussed herein have not undergone evaluation and/or testing by the United States Food and Drug Administration or like agency of any other country. Risks that might be determined by such testing are unknown. The information on this site is not a substitute for medical or veterinary advice.