Zapper Book
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Also, if you are concerned about Cancer or Auto-immune disorders then this may be a good read for you. Very informative.
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Hulda Clark's Cure for all Diseases PDF Free download
While we like these Recent ParaZapper Reviews from Customers on YouTube,
We do not necessarily agree with everything that they say.
ParaZapper MY3, World's Best Zapper
Video review of New ParaZapper 6-Pack
Video review of ParaZapper CC2
How to use the ParaZapper CC2 and what the indicators show
ParaZapper CC2 very accurate frequency
ParaZapper CC2 very good accuracy
ParaZapper MY video discusses frequencies and their importance
ParaZapper MY video discusses Modes of operation
ParaZapper MY Beck and Clark - best of both worlds
ParaZapper MY has the same powerful, excellent output as the CC2
ParaZapper MY compared to the Bob Beck Blood Electrifier
Examination of the Inside of ParaZapper MY and using the Clark Mode ( Mode 8 )
MY ParaZapper High Output & Pedestal Offset shown on the scope
Bob Beck Zapper and MY ParaZapper
MY ParaZapper Accuracy as shown of frequency meter
Video about alternatives for Ebola
Discussion of the Bob Beck Zapper
Design Flaw of the Bob Beck Zapper
User's Favorite Mode on the MY Zapper
The Zapper I use daily, ParaZapper MY
10000 Hertz, Your Frequency & ParaZapper MY Plus
ParaZapper My Plus, the Best device for Contact Mode
Easiest Way to Use 'Rife' Contact Mode
Important Healing & Immunity, Rife, Crane & Clark
Definitely The World's Best Zapper ParaZapper MY+Plus
Easy Wide Elastic Bands for 4 point Zapping
There are many sellers of zappers and many different models and versions available and it seems like everyone claims that theirs is the best. They even name their products things like super, ultimate, digital delux, best, etc., but how do you really know what is best and which ones to avoid? Let me start by saying that there are some good ones, and some that are not so good. Surprisingly, some of the worst ones seem to have a lot of hype and testimonials. Some offer a lifetime money back guarantee but have frequent complaints posted that customers can not get a refund from abusive people who answer the phone. The truth is, however, that most zappers appear to work to a certain extent, even some as cheap as $10.00 US have some positive effects and happy customers. Please continue reading to find out which zappers work best, how to get the best results, and accessories that can be helpful.
It is especially important to read the "How to Zap" page, "Footpads and Zapping", "Food Zapper", "Customer Comments", "Zapper FAQ and instructions", and "Ultimate Zapper is not so ultimate"
The following video shows some microscopic organisms being killed by a ParaZapper brand zapper. This video is not representative of all zappers. When buying a zapper make sure that the seller can provide a video that shows their actual product working. proof that the zapper by ParaZapper works to kill microbes such as bacteria and protozoa. Also, in the section below, there is a photo that shows two jars of pond water that were identical before zapping but after only two one hour sessions, the zapped water is clear. The water was examined under the microscope and there was not any surviving microbes found. The implications of this are extensive. Now there is a possible way of fighting antibiotic resistant infections and dangerous viral infections for which there has not been a vaccine produced.
Zapping does work and a study to demonstrate this
According to a controlled study by Dr. Robert Thiel, the group that used the Hulda Clark Zapper showed that the "total with any improvement was 97.9%" and "48.2% reported substantial symptomatic improvement in the zapper group". When compared to the control group who didn't use a zapper, "total with any improvement was 61.3%" and only "12.9% reported significant improvement". This clearly shows that the zapper had a positive effect in a study with a control group. There has never been any zapper study to refute this in any way. The main reason is that the zappers ability to kill many different microbes is a natural function.Additional studies and evidence are discussed at Hulda Clark Zapper Works This information, combined with our ParaZapper Customer comments should provide a basis for choosing a great zapper. Additionally, our zapper is a quality product with a high rating by the BBB, a 30 day money back guarantee, plus a 5 year parts and labor warranty, how can you go wrong?
We have over 80 pages of reference material in the menu to the left.
Price for price, the dual frequency units offered by ParaZapper® are better than any single frequency unit.
Even better, multiple frequency zappers such as the ParaZapper® CC2, the ParaZapper® UZI-3, and the ParaZapper® MY are even better. As a matter of point, these zappers are so much better than our competitor's zapper that the competitors refuse to even show it fairly in their comparison charts.
Hulda Clark Zapper, by ParaZapper®; kills microbes with mild, safe electric pulses.
ParaZapper® Products offer:Positive offset as specified by Dr. Hulda Clark
True Positive Square Wave as specified by Dr. Clark
Dr. Hulda Clark introduced the Zapper, also known as the parasite zapper, as an aid to health over 15 years ago, in her book "The Cure for All Diseases". Since then the zapper has experienced a tremendous surge in popularity, as a curiosity and a health aid, but for other uses as well such as killing microbes such as protozoa and bacteria in water.Zapper Instruction Manual for $12.95 plus postage. from paradevices .
There are many important issues to consider when selecting and using a zapper that aren't discussed in Dr. Clark's books. Actually, she only devoted a few pages to the zapper and zapping so we have produced a new 80 page booklet to provide more in depth discussion. Order our book on "Parasite Zapping and the Zapper" (80 pages) for the best information about zappers and zapping, regardless of which zapper you use. It contains pages on how to get the best rsults from zapping and more importantly, what to avoid doing.- Zapper based on the latest circuit with improvements to make it more effective, including guaranteed positive voltage offset.
- All current models are Microprocessor based for accuracy and reliability.
- Positive offset Zapper and no negative spikes, as specified by Dr. Clark
- Yes, CC ( Current Control technology ) on all ParaZapper® models.
- Even Stronger Output with Current Control technology (CC) with ParaZapper®CC2, and MY you get a full 9.6 volt output with a fresh battery and even 10.5 volts with the ParaZapper® UZI-3. Provides better results than even 12 volt units.
- True Square Wave under load as specified by Dr. Clark
- Best Dual Frequency zapper (30 kHz)and (2.5 kHz) and MultiMode-Multi Frequency Zappers
- Dual Frequency = better results than single frequency. Multi Frequency is even far better.
- Best Zapper Made in the USA of high quality parts .
- Best Top quality wires and plugs, more compact
- Solid wire connections, no rinky-dink alligator clips.
- Copper handles are soldered to instrument grade cables with lead free silver solder.
- Easy to use push button switches for power and frequency selection.
- Bright TriColor LED lets you know that the parasite zapper is working correctly. With ParaZapper®6-Pack and ParaZapper®CC2, UZI-3, and MY, Yellow / Orange means that it is working correctly.
- Long battery life: Power LED and Low Battery Indicator on all models.
- Operation instructions included but no instructions for use on humans.
- Information booklet for use on humans and animals is available separately for legal reasons.
- Ruggedly built for long lasting reliability.
- Some competitors models are cheaply built.
- Best Zapper Price, Quality, Reliability, Performance .
- Battery included but no Sea Salt, etc.
- Satisfaction guaranteed 30 day limited return policy, 5 year Warranty on our products.
Notice! Hulda Clark Zappers aren't FDA approved for use on either humans or animals and aren't legally sold for this purpose.
Warning! Do not use any Zapper type product if you are wearing a pacemaker or if you are pregnant. If you have metal stints in your heart this may cause problems, consult your cardiologist. Accidental contact may cause problems if these warnings are not heeded.
Important! Zapping may have a negative impact on some metal prosthesis if the zapper touches your body, especially those made of stainless steel. These may contain Nickel and Chromium which can leach under electrical activity and cause tissue irritation. Accidental contact may cause problems if these warnings are not heeded.
ParaZapper6-Pack®, ParaZapper®CC2, ParaZapper®UZI-3,
and ParaZapper®MY-3 are improved products for the best results and are available to buy at: